Zhihao Liu 刘 志浩

Email: liuzh96 (at) outlook.com

Hi,我是刘志浩,来自山东。 我的研究方向主要是交互式计算机图形学、几何建模、3D视觉的边界领域。

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腾讯 IEG(深圳)              2021
成为博士生之前,我曾全职在腾讯IEG的Game AI & Digital Content Research Center从事图形学相关的技术探索。期间,我主要参与了公司的面部表情捕捉技术(facial motion capture)的开发项目。校招时,我拿到了SSP级别的面试评价入职。


DeepTreeSketch: Neural Graph Prediction for Faithful 3D Tree Modeling from Sketches.
Zhihao Liu, Yu Li, Fangyuan Tu, Ruiyuan Zhang, Zhanglin Cheng, Naoto Yokoya.
ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2024.
[pdf] [video1] [video2] [GitHub]     (CCF-A, Core-A*)

SVDTree: Semantic Voxel Diffusion for 3D Tree Generation.
Yuan Li*, Zhihao Liu* (Joint First Authors), Bedrich Benes, Xiaopeng Zhang, Jianwei Guo.
IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). 2024.
[pdf] [supp] [GitHub]     (CCF-A, Core-A*)

BuildingSketch: Freehand Mid-Air Sketching for Building Modeling.
Zhihao Liu, Fanxing Zhang, Zhanglin Cheng.
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). 2021.
[pdf] [video] [code]     (CCF-B, CORE-A*)

Mid-Air Finger Sketching for Tree Modeling.
Fanxing Zhang*, Zhihao Liu* (Joint-First Authors), Zhanglin Cheng, Oliver Deussen, Baoquan Chen, Yunhai Wang.
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 2021.
[pdf] [code]         (CCF-A, CORE-A*)

Single Image Tree Reconstruction via Adversarial Network.
Zhihao Liu, Kai Wu, Jianwei Guo, Yunhai Wang, Oliver Deussen, Zhanglin Cheng.
Graphical Models (GM). 2021.
[pdf] [video] [code]     (CCF-B)

Interactive Modeling of Trees using VR Devices.
Zhihao Liu, Ce Shen, Zhi Li, Tingyu Weng, Oliver Deussen, Zhanglin Cheng, Dangxiao Wang.
IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (IEEE ICVRV). 2019.
[pdf] [code]     (CCF-C)

Selected Personal Projects
Parametric 3D Tree Modeling. 2017

This is my implementation of the parametric L-system algorithm for 3D tree modeling. One can use it to automatically produce different types of trees by adjusting the structural rules and procedural parameters.

[News] My code was also used by a recent paper in SIGGRAPH Asia. Please see their Acknowledgement section:
- TreePartNet: Neural Decomposition of Point Clouds for 3D Tree Reconstruction.
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2021. [Project]
Interactive Plant Modeling Software. 2018

This is the old version software of our recent Paper DeepTreeSketch. This tool enables users to easily design 3D tree models from 2D sketches. The use of this software doesn't require any configuration in Windows 10+ operating systems since it is based on only computer graphics algorithms without using deep neural networks. Please feel free to have a try!

[GitHub & Software] [Video]
Physical Fluid Simulation. 2021

This project is to pysically simulate the fluid deformation based on the Affine Particle-In-Cell method (APIC), which is originally introduced by a SIGGRAPH paper [Jiang et al.]. The algorithm is basically implemented in C++, while a few parts of numerical computation are achieved in Python and CUDA. The images are all rendered offine using the basic Ray-Tracing with OpenGL and C++.

3D Coral Rugosity. 2022

This is an open-source software that I implemened for visualizing the 3D corals and interactively obtaining its rugosity. This tool has been already used by a few ocean biologists in their researches. It is implemented using C++ and OpenGL.

[Github code]
LowPoly-style Image Generator. 2018

I tried to reproduce a journal paper published in the Visual Computer [Gai et al.] during my undergraduate time. It translates the input images into the popular low-polygon fashion style.

[Github code]
Realistic Houseplant Modeling. 2021

I implemented a very powerful 3D modeling engine for plants by using a grammar-based growing algorithm, which supports parameter control and algebra expression for designing various plant species.

Non-Photorealistic Rendering. 2016

I implemented several NPR effects with OpenGL, for example, the pencil drawing and oil painter etc., with reference to a popular book titled 'real-time rendering'.

Simple Minecraft in 2 Days using OpenGL! 2021

I tried to develope a simple but nice looking Minecraft using OpenGL within only two days. It supports infinite terrain, shadow mappimg, dynamic water as well as diverse customizable materials. The scene can be rendered very efficiently (around 150 FPS). The caves were generated procedurally by using 3D simplex noise algorithm. Moreover, the players can freely construct their own buildings.


>>> 国家奖学金。连续3年获得,2015, 2016, 2017.
>>> 山东省-省级三好学生。 2014.
>>> 物理奥赛山东省二等奖。 (排名:65/1800), 2013.

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Thank Jon Barron for this nice template!