📋 Projects and Software

The followings are some representative software that I developed individually.

1. Developmental 3D Tree Modeling. 2017.
This is my implementation of the parametric L-system algorithm for 3D tree modeling. It allows users to automatically generate a variety of tree types by adjusting structural rules and procedural parameters.
[NEWS] My code has also been used by several recent SIGGRAPH(ToG) papers !! Please check their Acknowledgement section, such as:
- TreePartNet: Neural Decomposition of Point Clouds for 3D Tree Reconstruction.
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2021. [Project]
2. Point cloud 3D Tree Reconstruction. 2018.
This is a program for faithflly reconstructing realistic 3D tree models from scanned point clouds. The program is fully developed in C++.
[GitHub and Software] [Demo Video]
3. Interactive Plant Modeling Software. 2018.
This is the old version software of our recent Paper DeepTreeSketch. This tool enables users to easily design 3D tree models from 2D sketches. The use of this software doesn't require any configuration in Windows 10+ operating systems since it is based on only computer graphics algorithms without using deep neural networks. Please feel free to have a try!
[GitHub and Software] [Demo Video]
4. LowPoly-style Image Generator. 2018.
I tried to reproduce a journal paper published in the Visual Computer [Gai et al.] during my undergraduate time. It translates the input images into the popular low-polygon fashion style.
[Github and Software] [Demo Video]
5. 3D Coral Rugosity. 2022.
This is an open-source software that I implemened for visualizing the 3D corals and interactively obtaining its rugosity. This tool has been already used by a few ocean biologists in their research. It is implemented using C++ and OpenGL.
[Github and Software]
6. Physical Fluid Simulation. 2021.
This project is to pysically simulate the fluid deformation based on the Affine Particle-In-Cell method (APIC), which is originally introduced by a SIGGRAPH paper [Jiang et al.]. The algorithm is basically implemented in C++, while a few parts of numerical computation are achieved in Python and CUDA. The images are all rendered offine using the basic Ray-Tracing with OpenGL and C++.
[Demo Video]
7. Simple Minecraft in 2 Days using OpenGL! 2021.
I tried to develope a simple but nice looking Minecraft using OpenGL within only two days. It supports infinite terrain, shadow mappimg, dynamic water as well as diverse customizable materials. The scene can be rendered very efficiently (around 150 FPS). The caves were generated procedurally by using 3D simplex noise algorithm. Moreover, the players can freely construct their own buildings.
[Demo Video]