💩 Zhihao Liu
Hi, I’m a PhD student at Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo), advised by Prof. Naoto Yokoya (in Machine Learning and Statistical Data Analysis Lab). I am also affliated with RIKEN AIP as a junior research assistant. Prior to that, I worked at Tencent (腾讯) as a graphics researcher. My interest lies at the intersection of computer graphics, geometry modeling and 3D vision. Here is my full CV.
Email: liuzh96 (at) outlook.com

🥇 My Featured Software

✨ Interactive Procedural Plant Generator

SPH Fluid Simulation
Because they don't use AI, you can directly run on Windows PCs without any configuration. I am so proud of them and some have been used to make datasets for my own research and other SIGGRAPH/CVPR papers from external labs (e.g., TreePartNet).
🠆 See [Projects] for more toolkits I developed. Feel free to download and explore.
📂 Publications

IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). 2025.

[2] Other Collebrative Papers:

Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
🥇 Employment

Tencent (Shenzhen) Technology Ltd. 2021.
I was a graphics engineer at Game AI & Digital Content Research Center, Tencent IEG
(腾讯IEG 游戏AI研究中心),
developing techniques on facial motion capture, etc.
[1] Papers as Primary Author:
* indicates co-first authors with equal contribution.