💩 Zhihao Liu

Hi, I’m a PhD student at Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo), advised by Prof. Naoto Yokoya (in Machine Learning and Statistical Data Analysis Lab). I am also affliated with RIKEN AIP as a junior research assistant. Prior to that, I worked at Tencent (腾讯) as a graphics researcher. My interest lies at the intersection of computer graphics, geometry modeling and 3D vision. Here is my full CV.

Email: liuzh96 (at) outlook.com
GitHub  /  Bilibili  /  我的画(僕が描いた絵)

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🥇 My Featured Software

Project Image

✨ Interactive Procedural Plant Generator

[Coming soon]

Project Image

Point Cloud Tree Reconstruction

[GitHub] [Video]

Project Image

Sketch-based Tree Modeler

[GitHub] [Video]

Project Image

Low-poly Art Image Generator

[GitHub] [Video]

Project Image

SPH Fluid Simulation

[Demo Video]

The above are some of my featured free software (not papers), built purely on graphics algorithms in either C++ or C#.
Because they don't use AI, you can directly run on Windows PCs without any configuration. I am so proud of them and some have been used to make datasets for my own research and other SIGGRAPH/CVPR papers from external labs (e.g., TreePartNet).
🠆 See [Projects] for more toolkits I developed. Feel free to download and explore.

📂 Publications

[1] Papers as Primary Author:
* indicates co-first authors with equal contribution.

CVPR 2025
Neural Hierarchical Decomposition for Single Image Plant Modeling.
Zhihao Liu, Zhanglin Cheng, Naoto Yokoya.
IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). 2025.
 Core-A*, CCF-A   [pdf] [Project page]
CHI 2024
DeepTreeSketch: Neural Graph Prediction for Faithful 3D Tree Modeling from Sketches.
Zhihao Liu, Yu Li, Fangyuan Tu, Ruiyuan Zhang, Zhanglin Cheng, Naoto Yokoya.
ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). 2024.
 Core-A*, CCF-A   [pdf] [video1] [video2] [GitHub]
CVPR 2024
SVDTree: Semantic Voxel Diffusion for 3D Tree Generation.
Yuan Li*, Zhihao Liu* (Joint first authors), Bedrich Benes, Xiaopeng Zhang, Jianwei Guo.
IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). 2024.
 Core-A*, CCF-A   [pdf] [suppl] [GitHub]
BuildingSketch: Freehand Mid-Air Sketching for Building Modeling.
Zhihao Liu, Fanxing Zhang, Zhanglin Cheng.
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). 2021.
 Core-A*, CCF-B   [pdf] [video] [GitHub]
Mid-Air Finger Sketching for Tree Modeling.
F. Zhang*, Zhihao Liu* (Joint first authors), Z. Cheng, Oliver Deussen, Baoquan Chen, Yunhai Wang.
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 2021.
 Core-A*, CCF-A   [pdf] [video] [GitHub]
Single Image Tree Reconstruction via Adversarial Network.
Zhihao Liu, Kai Wu, Jianwei Guo, Yunhai Wang, Oliver Deussen, Zhanglin Cheng.
Graphical Models (GM). 2021.
 CCF-B Journal   [pdf] [video] [GitHub]
Interactive Modeling of Trees using VR Devices.
Zhihao Liu, Ce Shen, Zhi Li, Tingyu Weng, Oliver Deussen, Zhanglin Cheng, Dangxiao Wang.
IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization. 2019.
 CCF-C Conf.   [pdf] [GitHub]

[2] Other Collebrative Papers:

VRTree: Example-Based 3D Interactive Tree Modeling in Virtual Reality.
Di Wu, Mingxin Yang, Zhihao Liu, et al.
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF).
 CCF-B Journal.  

🥇 Employment

Profile Photo

Tencent (Shenzhen) Technology Ltd.      2021.
I was a graphics engineer at Game AI & Digital Content Research Center, Tencent IEG (腾讯IEG 游戏AI研究中心), developing techniques on facial motion capture, etc.